Image files you can use for canvas prints

We want to make your custom canvas creation as hassle-free as possible, so we designed our easy uploader to guide you through the whole print ordering process from uploading and cropping, adding your own personalised finish and reviewing your images once they are ready to go to print.

Image files you can use for canvas prints

To guarantee the quality of your finished photo canvas prints and avoid issues such as pixelation, we work with images that are saved in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, HEIC or HEIF format and have an upload limit of 50mb. Our easy uploader automatically checks the quality of your images and shows you the print sizes that your image can be printed at in order to maintain quality.

JPEG and TIFF files are the most commonly used image file save types, so whatever software you use to save or scan you images, you should find one of these file types is an option when it comes to pressing save.

Checking your file type and size

You can check the type or size of your photo by right clicking on your photo and selecting ‘properties’. If you are using a MacBook, you’ll need to click ‘show info’. Unlike some other sites, we allow you to upload your images straight from Facebook and Instagram, which means there’s no need to mess around saving your images in different formats. Most smartphones save photos in jpeg format too, so you can hook your smartphone straight up to your computer or email the images you want to work with to yourself before uploading here. If you want to save your images so that they are small enough to meet our 50mb limit but still retain quality, try selecting ‘save for the web’ within Photoshop, keeping your quality at 100 or 99 per cent and blur at zero. If you don’t have Photoshop or similar editing software, you might also try any one of a number of online compression tools that are designed to optimise and compress images while minimising data loss.

Having problems with your photo upload?

If you’re having a problem uploading your photo or are unsure how to save it to the correct file format or size, please get in touch and our experts will be more than happy to help.